Saturday, February 16, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 9 Highlights

It is time to showcase another Komura manga chapter. This time, we will learn that Tsukinaga love taking pictures of animals with his phone but not paying attention Komura.
This is something you don't see everyday with a pet. Kind of funny though.
I'm assuming that was an Naruto reference...
Her signature handstand.
An close-up of her tootsies...
This chapter at least shown one new foot ability but at least Komura explain that she is running a cat café which made Tsukinaga happy. The next chapter will introduced Komura's private life, assuming we will learn more on how did she became an foot acrobatic and her family business.
Foot Shadow Puppets: Her feet can make puppets from the shadows.