Friday, March 1, 2019

Wreck It Ralph: Ariel (Rock Candy Figure)

This week's Figure Feet Friday tribute follows up on yesterday's post. Here is a figure modeled after Wreck it Ralph 2's Ariel in her modern clothing.
I like the Rock Candy figures a lot. They remind of the Funko pop set of figures but the Rock Candy line seems to be more realistic while still portraying the characters in a cute way. Sadly of the Disney princesses adapted into figures in this series,  only two models are barefoot. The other is Moana who will be showcased in a later post. Merida who was also shown barefoot in her casual clothes doesn't have a model released for her. 

Ariel looks very cute though. I'm really happy that they kept her model barefoot. :-) 

Ok everyone that's going to do it for now... have a good weekend and as always... more to come soon!