Saturday, February 1, 2020

Nora (1985 OVA): Nora Scholar

Welcome to the year 1985, a year when Anime was still called Japanimation and characters still had noses.  Also, this only had a laserdisc release so these caps are from Youtube and are can sometimes be a bit blurry, sorry.  Nora was an OVA about a woman named Nora Scholar battling an AI name 'Antifiend' that ran amok and now wants to liberate all computers by destroying all humans.  Nora is your typical brave, resourceful, and compassionate mid 80's heroine.  While this OVA was alright, its sequel 'Twinkle Nora Rock Me!' is legendary in the it is so bad you have to see it to believe it kind of way.   Enjoy!



  1. Paganax, where do you find these old-school anime?

    1. This one I found from You Tube video review by Kenny Lauderdale. If you look up 80's anime or 90's anime you'll find a lot of lists for them.

    2. Do you watch any of those anime you mentioned?

  2. I had never heard of this Nora series so anyone who seen or heard of it, tell me more of the story.

    1. It's said to be one of the worst, if not, the worst anime by many.

      Personally, the only thing I like about it it is the classic art style and Nora, that's all I can give it.

    2. So it's another bad anime to many.

    3. Honestly speaking Chris Cannon, the reason it looked worst because it lack a lot of in-between drawings, and this is my observation since my friend here is an animator.

      Generally speaking if those mistakes weren't made it probably would still get some chances.

      At least, it's something worth enjoyable than that Darkstalkers American Cartoon in the books

  3. I love my old school anime, I never heard of this OVA or character before, but I like her. I do love the blonde ladies.

    1. I do too since I am more curious on old-school anime than the modern ones.

  4. O.O Really hot blonde. Awesome post Paganax. ^_^
