Thursday, May 16, 2019

Love Hina: Naru Narusegawa (Part 2)

Here's the second part of Naru and her feet. This is from Episodes 9 through 13 of the original anime series.
Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13


  1. Replies
    1. Dan, I didn't like her that much because she always jump to conclusions.

    2. Yeah, I don't like that about her either. I'm surprised Keitaro never actually evicted her for continuous assaults on him, not to mention numerous property damages. She needs anger management, along with Akane and Kagome. Although Kaolla Su can be just as destructive with her inventions. Seriously, these two girls cause more damage than Steve Urkel.

    3. I'm aware of that even though Kaolla Su is no Steve Urkel despite being black skinned. Also, the girls other than Shinobu are annoying as hell especially Mokoto Aoyama who freak out over turtles or attacking Keitaro for no reason.

    4. Kaolla is more tanned skin than black. And she sounds Indian, but she's actually from the island kingdom of Momol, near the International Date Line. Yeah, Shinobu is my favorite too. She's so nice. Motoko can be annoying, but I respect her pride, and she can channel her anger better than Naru. Now Kitsune, she's the worst, just an annoying drunk and always causing trouble IMO.

    5. I never really care about Kitsune because she is a lazy alcoholic who cares about herself.

    6. In the dub, she sounds like Blanche from The Golden Girls. Similar personalities too. I don't think Kitsune has slept with nearly as many men as Blanche has, if any.

    7. I see. I was wondering what kind of shows you use to watch during your childhood because it seems to bring up non-animated shows.

    8. Oh I watched all sorts of cartoons. But I also watched a lot of family-friendly sitcoms, and I felt that The Golden Girls and Family Matters best fit these crazy situations.

    9. Ok. Does that mean you watched all genres in cartoons? I do know several sitcoms like them and more.

    10. You really love cartoons, huh?

    11. I think you know the answer.

    12. Is there anything you don't like in general?

    13. Slasher movies and news shows.

    14. What do you mean by Slasher movies?

    15. Movies where people get killed by being slashed with knives etc. Scream is a good example.

    16. You mean horror movies with some gore in them.

    17. I am not different from you. Is Resident Evil or Silent Hill are examples of that in video games with horror themes?

    18. Yeah, survival horror. They have useless weapons, and no way to restore your health from what I've seen.

    19. I am a bit jealous of you, Dan Boccia, because of how intelligent you are in anime and video games and everything else.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. O.O Wow. Another awesome job Custom. ^_^
