Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ms vampire who lives in my neighborhood: Sophie Twilight

A 360-year-old vampire girl who doesn't age. As a vampire, she is incredibly weak to sunlight so usually stays awake during the night, and drinks blood, albeit refrigerated as she can't bear to drink it from humans. While often maintaining a refined appearance, she enjoys going to comic book conventions and ordering otaku goods


  1. You really did save the best for last Dean! Custom and King will love this too. BTW, that gif, is that the opening or closing credits?

    1. Yes that's the ending credits

    2. End credits, got it. And what is the deal with Sophie and Ellie switching places in the bedroom? I mean, in these images Sophie's on the bed and Ellie's on the floor, and in the Ellie post Ellie's on the bed and Sophie's on the floor. What on Earth was going on?

    3. They were trying to see which was more comfortable the floor or the Bed

    4. Oh that's typical. Always adds to the fun.

    5. Seriously, pedicures in anime are a weakness of mine. The gif got me aroused.

  2. Dean, you rock! Pedicures are awesome!

  3. She's really cute. :-D So awesome to see a pedicure scene. Nicely done Dean. ^_^

  4. Cute vampire girl with cute feet, and Akari seems to enjoy giving her a pedicure.
