Wednesday, July 29, 2020

We Never Learn: Rizu Ogata

Rizu although is seen to always have a poker face on, she is capable of showing emotions whenever she's happy or down. A math and science genius since young, she is known as the "clockwork thumbelina". However, she isn't good with reading people's feelings and emotions, thus failing her humanities and not recognizing that she is in love with Nariyuki. From the time she was young she was never satisfied with a vague answer, which she finds humans emotion to be incomprehensible as compared to mathematics or science, and is oblivious to her surroundings once she's focused on something. The running joke with her is that despite her small stature she's the most well endowed out of the main female characters. She has the least shots unfortunately.


  1. Typical Pool and sauna scenes. She still has a good amount.

  2. What happened to the girl that was in the pool?
