Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Your Own Sailor Senshi

If you given a chance to create your own Sailor Senshi/Guardian, what kind of powers she will have and name? Mine will be similar to Venus and Mars with a Power of Burning Love. Her name will be Ayame Tsubomi, an redhead with love video games, hanging out with her family and friends, have lovely feet, and can be a bit lazy at school at times due to boredom. Her transformation is similar to Cure Scarlet and her fighting style is similar Dragon Ball characters or Pretty Cure and some of her weaknesses are my own from quick temper to lack of remembrance. I called her "Sailor Phoenix".


  1. Cool idea. But,I have no clue what kind of Sailor Team to make. They would be barefoot though.

  2. Are far future Senshi acceptable, or no?

    1. I think so because Naoko did say that there could be Senshi all over the universe, and there were a couple dozen alien Senshi in the last arc/season.

    2. Glad to hear it, 'cause I went ahead and started a profile for her already. I'll post it here when I think it's ready.

  3. I think I told you mine over e-mail. A combination of Sailor Mars Fire ability and Sailor Pluto's time powers to create a senshi of Burning Time. :-D
