Saturday, June 22, 2019

Ape Escape Foot Festival

Welcome to Part 4 of PlayStation Month, this Foot Festival will be capturing wild monkeys with Spike while finding feet from female humans to worship in Ape Escape, I remember playing this series and it was cool. This will covers the original trilogy of the series and the same rules still apply.

Ape Escape

Ape Escape 2

Ape Escape 3 


  1. I think I played a demo or emulator version of the original Ape Escape. I didn't play the whole game but the section I played was fun. I guess there are a cute set of girls in the series but I'm not really that familiar with them.

  2. There are a few costumes on ape escape pumped and primed for the ps2 that show off said girls feet if you guys are interested. It does take awhile to unlock them though
