Saturday, June 1, 2019

Foot Queen Awards Finals

At long last, the main poll to see who will be the first Foot Queen on Anime Feet. I have to thank everyone including Dan Boccia for helping me out. Also, this is going to be a two-week event that will be decide on the 14th.


  1. No way Lucy's gonna lose here. She's just given us too much content to work with. Her being drop dead gorgeous helps to.

    1. Considering she has a considerable lead over everyone else, I'd say it's certain.

    2. I figured that. Any idea how she became accustomed to not wearing shoes? Like with Mavis, it just kind of stuck with her ever since she was young, but what's Morgiana's story? And like with both of them, their feet manage to stay perfect no matter the conditions. That's why I prefer the feet of Mavis and Lucy, as they're more smooth and perfect looking, while Morgiana's are more rough and muscular looking. Nothing wrong with that of course, and it's only natural because she's very physically strong, and she uses that strength to hold her own in combat.

    3. I see. You prefer feet that are more feminine and smooth, Dan.

    4. Exactly. Feminine was the word I was trying to think of. Good clarification.

    5. I see. I do love feminine feet like after she had a wonderful pedicure from a spa day. I mean, you can play with her pampered feet for hours.

  2. So many good ones. Either Rapunzel or Morgiana for me.
