Thursday, September 12, 2019

InuYasha: Enju

Enju is a young woman who was resurrected in the same way as Kikyo by the oni sorceress Urasue. She was brought back from the dead so she could serve Urasue, whom she called "Mother". As with all her "children", Urasue brought her back solely to take advantage of skills she bore in life. Few details of Enju's life were revealed, other than she was a potter by profession and died relatively young. After explaining her past to MirokuSangoKagome and Shippo, she told them she detested her existence, and wanted nothing more than to die, especially since she helped to create that terrible and abhorrent clay army. They then pledged to help Enju, but in return they wanted her to give life a try and to see her second chance as a gift. After stopping her "brother" Kawaramaru's ambitions, Enju returned to life as a simple potter. She appears only in Episode 92. 

Life is precious, and although Enju no longer wanted to live, I'm glad she gave life a second chance. Free of Urasue and Kawaramaru, and free to live it how she pleases on her terms. Hope you guys like this post, till next time.


  1. So many cute barefooters in this anime. Shame Kagome wasnt one of them

    1. You really wanted Kagome to be barefoot all the way to the end?

    2. More than a handful of eps would have been nice. Especially since Inuyasha is a barefooter. The Male is barefoot yet the female has shoes, so unfair

    3. Yes. especially in a school uniform. Or maybe wearing straw sandals like Sango.
