Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Custom's Picks: Expelled from Paradise

This is going to be a short post since there aren't much foot content with this movie. The story is about Angela Balzac, an skilled agent at the space colony, DEVA, whose inhabitants have no physical bodies, digitized minds and processed into a virtual reality environment. After failing to hunt down the hacker, "Frontier Setter", who had infiltrated DEVA's systems dozens of times to gather allies for his cause with no success, she was tasked to track him down on Earth with the help of Dingo.


  1. Oh, some 3D along with it? Why not.

  2. Replies
    1. Oh sorry, I was trying to think of what to say. Those shots of her getting up off the chair are very hot.

    2. Even though you don't mind CGI or any animation?

    3. I tried to cover up the breasts and butt shots since most of the time of her bare foot scenes, she was naked.
