Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sola: Koyori Ishizuki

Koyori is Mana's little sister who, at the beginning of the story, is staying in the same hospital as Aono, but is soon discharged. Whenever she calls Mana by her given name instead of referring to her as her big sister, Mana strikes her head. Koyori tries to keep Aono company whenever she can and they become good friends over the time Koyori spends in the hospital. Aono also teaches her how to make origami. Koyori is very polite to others even when not required to do so.


  1. How many girls are there in this anime?

  2. Wendy Marvel's post isn't ready yet?

    1. No i still got a lot more episode to go through.
      I'm truly sorry for taking so long but she is barely barefoot in the anime and it's sometimes rare to see her in sandals.

  3. I really like her. What is she like 10, 12?

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