Friday, November 1, 2019

Sailor Moon Version Poll

In celebrate the last Viz release of Sailor Moon which is Sailor Stars Part 2 that covered the last 17 episodes of the 90s anime, I decided to do this poll to see what version of the franchise do you prefer and why.


  1. Gotta stay true to my roots. The 90's Anime all the way

  2. As cliche as it is to say, the 90's Anime is the one I have fondness for the most. Everything else bar the Manga and Crystal falls joint second.

    As for those two, I just plain couldn't get into Manga, finding it rushed and sloppily written, with bland interchangeable villains, and paper thin cast.

    And Crystal... God... I'm sorry, but I completely loathe that incarnation. The writing is just plain lazy. All the faults of the Manga are carried over, and in certain cases made worse. And I detest just how plain pathetic the Inner Senshi are. Their only single purpose is to get beaten up/captured/brainwashed so other characters can look good at their expense. If this didn't have nostalgia and brand recognition to fall back on, no one would have given it the time of day frankly....
