Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 44 Highlights

Continuing where the previous chapter left off, Komura was heartbroken and left after realizing Lulue was using Tsukinaga to become a better foot acrobat and her butler. She then head to the mountains for some foot training with Master Ayui.
Master Ayui is something else, because despite her height, she is older than Uzune, Komura's mother. I hope Komura's training pays off to get back Tsukinaga from Lulue. I would love to tickle Komura's feet to see how long she can last without stopping to catch her breath. No new foot abilities in this chapter because this is where Komura goes through a punishing training montage.


  1. Replies
    1. Of course it is. Would you watch her train?

    2. I hope other people would comment on this other than you, Dan.

    3. So do I. This place seems to be getting lively again. And BTW, Lulue is not going to get away with what she's doing. Komura will get rid of her one way or the other.

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