Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Steven Universe Future: Mean Lapis & Nice Lapis

From the episode ''Why so Blue?'' I think you guys can tell which is which by their appearance. Now I know some people here are split on this show, I know some people don't like the show, which is fine I can respect other people's opinions. However I don't wanna see any snowflake comments like ''SJWs, Diversity boxes, Calarts'' etc. if you wanna complain about sh*t like that than go somewhere else that agrees with you Conservatively speaking. 


  1. So lapis gems are barefoot by default. Nice! Lapis is the only one that matters to me.

  2. Excellent. I get it, Lapis as in lapis lazuli, a dark shade of blue.

  3. So,I'm confused are u saying the show is pandering to sjws or not

    1. It is. He just tired of hearing it. The feet matter more.

    2. Agreed. Call me old-fashioned, but I didn't even know about sjws. Sounds like a bunch of Internet rent-a-cops.

    3. Never heard of SJWs either so what are they? How can you rent a cop online, Dan?

    4. It's an expression for a wannabe cop. SJWs are Social Justice Warriors.

    5. SJWs are a scourge, basically the earliest signs of death in any community or environment. ResetEra and ANN are pretty much overrun by those types, they're like some borg-hive-mind.

      >diversity boxes
      Never heard that, that's good one.

    6. An SJW is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism. Now a days it's means people who get offended easily which is a stereotype made by right leaning individuals. I'm saying i'm tired of hearing these terms like SJW or Diversity check boxes extc. these people call us SJWs for liking Steven Universe not realizing their being SJWs themselves by being sensitive about what we think because what we think doesn't support their views or ideology. This blog is about animated feet not political bigotry anybody can think and believe whatever they want but if you don't have anything nice to say that than don't say it.

  4. True,thats the main reason I don't like it,because it panders to sjws and feminists, claiming its the best show ever, but whatever

  5. Terrible show but do like blue barefooter beauties

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