Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Pokemon Twilight Wings: Bea

Given special attention from her parents, Bea trained hard with her partner Pokémon since a very young age. This has honed her judgment skills, and she is able to remain calm and collected even when facing dire situations in battle. This leads many to think she lacks emotion, but the truth seems to be that she doesn't want to show weakness. She is sometimes known to show her true feelings to her partner Pokémon during battles. She is secretly a huge fan of various sweets, and this has recently been found out by her fans. The additional attention has made enjoying sweets a little difficult.


  1. Awesome! Better keep her away from the dessert Buffet, or she's likely to clean it out.

  2. I wonder if they based her design off a certain MMA fighter.

  3. Ugh, they ruined her by giving her shoes. Why the hell did they think this was okay?

    1. Yeah, why did they do that? Hopefully when Nessa shoes up they do not give her shoe wear that covers her whole feet!

    2. Erich, why are you so upset on her not being barefooted?

    3. Yeah, it is. I never like it when they give a barefoot character shoes of any kind.

    4. Isn't that the same for Hestia from DanMachi?

    5. I see no problem with it martial artists usually wear zori sandals outside the dojo. At least you can see her feet.

    6. Yes, it is the exact same for Hestia.

    7. Layne: Then why do you hate footwear on girls' feet? Since not all female feet are that strong enough to withstand hazards.

  4. GumballW, you're covering the newer Pokémon stuff?

  5. Having her wear footwear has to be a crime

    1. Least we can still see her feet. Really was unexpected...

    2. It's not a crime just be glad you can see her feet.
      And this isn't the truth post

    3. Why is this a crime or truth post?

  6. Man, it really sucks that the new anime focus so much on Ash and Go. I was hoping that either Bea or Nessa will join Ash an his new journey... Bea would have been so perfect, man! Imagine traveling with such a tough, barefooted beauty on your side. Instead we got this very feminine boy named Go, who is just way to much on the Gary Stu side...

    1. Why do you want an female companion in the newest Pokémon series?

    2. Because they might have better chances in been interesting characters compare to Ash and Go. With Ash there is nothing really new they can add to his character and story and Go is just to much of a Gary Stu.

    3. Are you still watching Pokémon? Why not just drop the female companion and I don't see Go as an Gary Stu.
