Thursday, April 30, 2020

Erementar Gerad: Kullweet Envatilia

Kuea is a rather young busty woman with a tan that seems to always love eating within any circumstances. It seems that Kuea has a greatly carefree attitude, and also seems to be rather caring to other Edel Raids. Kuea is first shown in episode 1, along with both Rowen and Cisqua in their attempt to retrieve one of seven Shichikouhouju; a girl by the name of Ren. Kuea, like Ren, is also an Edel Raid, as shown when she regularly merges with Rowen. While in their transformed state, a great boost of speed will be present along with a good amount of additional attack power. However, if Kuea isn't fed to the extent that she wishes, she won't be able to perform well at all before merging. It seems however that Kuea and Rowen don't seem to have any true relationship other than just supposedly being friends. Kuea also doesn't seem to care much about the fact that she works for Arc Aile, which is shown through the fact that she never wears their official uniform. Kuea overall doesn't seem to do anything outside of being with Rowen and Cisqua, but she does seem to have some caring feelings for Ren, because they are Edel Raids.


  1. I remember this anime and thought nobody would post this.

  2. Maybe she was the inspiration for the style of Footwear in Naruto.

    1. I don't think so, because the series came out in 2002 and the anime was released in 2005.

    2. Oops, guess my theory doesn't hold up.

    3. Not really, since Naruto is an older series.

  3. Ah that girl. I remember seeing her in some youtube profile pic or something without knowing where she was from. Then I eventually found out, but forgot sometime after. And now I know, thanks.

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