Sunday, August 23, 2020

Excalibur Megapost Part 1: Shadowcat - Kitty Pryde

 A project I've been tinkering on for a long time, a tribute to one of my favorite comics ever, Excalibur. A spin-off from X-Men, Excalibur was a London-based team featuring familiar characters like Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, and Colossus, along with newer faces like Captain Britain and Meggan. The book was mostly more lighthearted than X-Men, with lots of crazy adventures and magical antics. First up is a popular character for a lot of us over the years, Shadowcat. Collected are basically every barefoot moment of hers I could find since her debut in X-Men. Hope you enjoy!


That's all for now! More to come. :)


  1. Thanks for posting my 2nd favorite X-Woman! Lately I've been reading the old comics that were before my time and I love how she's improved a lot over the years going from timid to how she is now.

  2. That's my Shadowcat! Love you Kitty! You may not agree with me AC, but I really liked the teeny bopper version of her from X-Men Evolution. Maggie Blue O'Hara doing her voice was a plus, and she wore sandals all the time, so how could you go wrong? Her phasing power is the best, she can get practically out of any tough situation.

    1. I loved X-Men Evolution, and Kitty was adorable. :) And yep, her and Jean always in sandals in their civvies was a definite plus.

    2. Jean wore several types of sandals throughout that series.

      You know, there's this funny three part fanfic where Lance and Kitty go on a date, and they're followed by the other X-Men and the Brotherhood. Insanity prevails, and eventually Kitty gets so frustrated, she ends up beating the you-know-what out of Quicksilver, Blob, and Toad. Not sure whether you're interested or not, but it's hilarious.

    3. Sounds fun. XD But I'm not super into reading fanfics, so no thank you.

    4. Okay, well I'm glad I asked at least.

    5. Oh, and I made a mistake. Toad somehow escaped Kitty's wrath, and it was Tabitha who got nailed instead.

  3. Replies
    1. Long story short, Phoenix telepathically sensed her baby brother was in danger while they were all sleeping and burst out of Excalibur's HQ. Thinking about the baby unconsciously made her rearrange the molecules of Kittys' pajamas on the way out. It's a convoluted setup for a joke, basically. XD

  4. Awesome Amazing collection of Shadowcat/Kitty images. I think my favorite is this one

    Great post Atomic Chinchilla. ^_^

    1. Thanks! That one was from one of the Age of Apocalypse comics, yeah it's great. :D

    2. Same here. Her and the Evolution version that I grew up with are very much MY favorite versions of Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat, as well. <3

  5. I grew up with the X-Men Evolution, but I gotta admit that THIS version ( ) is as hot as a chili pepper!~ 8D

  6. Which comic issue is that X-Men comic, "The Last Word" from?

    1. Nevermind. It was Wolverine: First Class #21
