Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Aria: Akari Mizunashi

Akari is the junior  undine for Aria Company.  She was born on Earth but migrated to Aqua to become a gondolier.  She is cheerful, outgoing, and optimistic; but has a lot to learn about the history of Neo-Venezia.  Due to her mislearning how to row on a simulation she has relearn how to row properly; however, she can row backwards better than anyone.  Akari is best friends with Aika and Alice and has a good relationship with her mentor Alicia.  After becoming a prima she get the nickname 'Aquamarine'.


  1. >saving the best for last
    Arguably the best episode.

  2. Replies
    1. Well, she is the main protagonist so of course she is the best.

  3. Oh wow... I think this one is your most epic post yet Paganax. Great tribute to her. ^_^

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