Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Fruits Basket 2019: Kisa Sohma

Kisa is the tiger of the Chinese Zodiac under the Sohma curse. She becomes the tiger when she is hugged by a male, or her body undergoes a great deal of stress. Kisa suffered from low self esteem due to her classmates constant teasing because of her golden eyes. She eventually opened up again and has become somewhat of a little sister to Tohru Honda. Kisa is one of my personal favorites as well, and I hope she'll be one of yours too. Be sure to also keep an eye out for a future tribute to Kisa from Dean Lawrence sometime at a later date, which may include additional images, and even GIFs. He loves these Fruits Basket girls just as much as myself, and you can be sure he'll give them all the red carpet treatment. For now, enjoy Kisa in all her adorable glory.


  1. She seems like a cool and attractive character. Great post Dan. :-)

    1. That's the 1st time I've ever heard Kisa referred to as cool. She'd blush at the compliment.

  2. Replies
    1. Dean's working on her, Roger. She's got some good ones. You're Nintendorak, correct?
