Monday, September 7, 2020

Rent-A-Girlfriend: Ruka Sarashina (Episode 9)

 Ruka is born with an irregular heartbeat, leading her life to be tormented for being treated differently from the others because she can collapse if she performs a hard working activity. This leads her to become a rental girlfriend as a wish to have someone who can make her heart beat faster without any trouble. For a while, all the people she met with had no effect on her, until she met one who was truly genuine during a coincidental meetup, Kazuya Kinoshita. The sincerity of Kazuya made her fall in love with him and slowly led to her decision to quit her rental girlfriend job. To make the matter worse for Kazuya, she followed him to where he worked at after quitting for half a year later.


  1. Love those sole shots. But still, living girls should not have a price on them.

    1. I guess it comes down to cultural differences. The age of consent in many parts of Japan is in fact 13 years old. And yes, there's a lot of fine print to that law that evens it out a bit, but there's just as much fine print that evens it back into kinky territory again. For example, the act of ''doing it'' between 13- to 17-year-olds can only be done with other 13- to 17-year-olds. However, that's only ''doing it''. Groping, ''jobs''and whatever else the perverted imagination can come up with is all perfectly legal. However, they have cracked down on human trafficking, forced prostitution, and other illegal acts endangering people in that age range. But that doesn't stop people from creating kinky establishments like the Sexual Harassment Corporation where you pay to ''play with'' girls in school and business sets, and is totally 100% legal.

    2. Yeah, the laws vary by country. But a person is priceless to me. The other thing I worry about with her is that she's slightly aggressive. I'm afraid she might have a heart attack if she gets too upset. If she took a ride in a race car which goes from 0 to 80, no doubt she'd be dead.

  2. She's really cute. Nice post Gumball. ^_^
