Sunday, November 1, 2020

Poll 86 Results

Well once again the Poll of the Month has come to a close... after a whopping 647 are the results...

It looks like the wise wolf Holo managed to market herself well and prove that her feet are the ones that most of the site viewers would enjoy getting familiar with. In second place was the feisty wolf Clawdeen from Monster High and coming in third was Ayame from Inuyasha. The rest of this pack all did pretty well too and nobody scored less than 13 votes.

I just want to give everyone a tremendous thank you for voting and sharing their opinions. I know that its been a long time since I've done this. I'll always to keep your opinions in mind for future posts and I do have another post for Holo I would like to do. :-)

Also a note about the other choices option... you guys gave some great suggestions for Wolf characters which I'll create a list of add it into this post later. I really wanted to add them into this and give users the option to vote on them  however the polling site I was using (crowd signal) removed that ability for me. This brings up another question that I need your help with...

Does anyone have a good site that allows me to create a poll I could use on blogger?

It seems like crowd signal is limiting the amount of votes a free user is able to receive. This didn't come up as a problem in this month's poll but it does have the potential to be a problem in future polls. I really need to find an alternate source for creating the polls here. 

In order news I got a glimpse of some of the posts the other posters are planning and without spoiling anything they do look pretty good. I do have some big projects I'm planning but some of them may bleed into December and next year. I will be doing posts on the site throughout the month though. I also have a poll for November which I'm putting the finishing touches on. It should be available later tonight. Speaking of polls though... if you are eligible to vote in the U.S. presidential and local elections please remember to cast your vote on or before Nov 3rd. This is a big election for the United States and a lot is at state. I urge you guys to cast your vote wisely.

Ok everyone... as always there more to come. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and best wishes everyone!


  1. If you guys remember how this works I like to do a reveal of my own personal favorite character in the comments once the poll results are complete. For this one that was Zenescope's Red Riding Hood. She is really hot. I do like Holo and Riza Wildman a lot as well though. :-)

  2. If I remember correctly, Flynn Mars used to do stuff like this quarterly or every so often.

    1. Yes. He suggested some really good poll topics that were used on the site and even managed some of the polls himself. Both of us were using the poll engine Polldaddy which would later change its name to Crowdsignal.

      At that point Polldaddy allowed for unlimited votes and anyone could use it with a free account. Sadly that is no longer the case. Currently Crowd Signal caps its votes at 2500 votes per account. It doesn't happen often but some of our polls on the site have gone past that amount.

    2. @KingsSideCastle: It's been a while since you'd done this.

    3. Yes. Hopefully can post a few more getting the poll count up to 90. :-)
