Monday, March 15, 2021

Edens Zero Trailer

This short post is on Rebecca Bluegarden from the trailer of the anime. Here's the link


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @Custom: Yes, and I'm curious to know why she's not wearing any shoes in this case. And don't look now custom, but that image you just showed me the other day is in the Twitter feed on the left here.

    3. @Dan: According to The Fan Without a Face, she had the this ability called Cat Leaper, and each time she uses it, her footwear gets obliterated from the sheer power released and she winds up barefoot, with everything up to the shins in tatters.

    4. I'm up to Volume 10 as of now in the manga. This is actually earlier in the story, before Rebecca gets her Ether Gear. She was captured in her PJs by robots on planet Granbell, hence no footwear. BTW, there is a narrator named Xiaomei who not only is a barefooter, but has everyone who visits her required to be barefoot.

    5. Dean's going to have his work cut out for him in that case.

    6. Dan: Are you sure about that?

    7. If her amount of scenes surpasses Lucy.

    8. Dan, will Rebecca surpass Lucy in the foot fetish department?

    9. Only time will tell. Do you know if anyone ever calls her Becky?

    10. Why would you want to call her that?

    11. So will you call her that for now on?

    12. No, not unless that's what she's commonly called in the series.

    13. I see. Dan, this girl might give Lucy a run for her money on feet.

  2. Why are girls always barefoot for no reason on this show, not that I'm complaining.

    1. It's Hiro Mashima we're talking about here, the guy who made a lot of girls barefooted from his previous series, Fairy Tail, especially on Lucy.

    2. And yet the only female character that is barefoot all the time in Fairy Tail is Mavis who looks like a child. Would've like it if say Lucy decided to be barefoot all the time.

  3. Better get ready to see a lot of this guys. Rebecca's main power in the story, involves special marks that appear on her ankles that give her super speed. The catch is the energy released is so strong it destroys whatever shoes she's wearing. Meaning anytime she fights, she's gonna be barefoot.

    1. Really? Why couldn't she just wear shoes that don't always tear up during each fight?

    2. My guess is she probably can't find any footwear made of the right material. And we see various types of shoes get destroyed, from normal shoes to space boots.

  4. Yep, this was definetly made by Hiro Mashima

  5. I've been reading the manga, its quite good.

    1. It has a menacing kingpin villain named Drakken Joe, a Jellal lookalike space cop who goes by the codename Justice, an Erza lookalike who is a space pirate named Elsie Crimson and has an eyepatch just like Erza losing an eye (though Erza gets a magic replacement eye).

    2. There's a woman named Xiaomei that sometimes shows up to be the story's narrator, and she walks around barefoot all the time which is also an requirement at the temple of knowledge where she lives.

  6. Attractive blonde. The animation reminds me a little bit of Fairy Tail. :-)
