Saturday, July 10, 2021

Tear Ring Saga Foot Festival

This Foot Festival will be on Tear Ring Saga, an RPG that plays like Fire Emblem but unlike that series, Tear Ring Sage didn't last too long aside of an sequel for the PS2. The story takes place in the continent of Lieberia that was being terrorized by an evil cult, and all the while reviving their dark god. The protagonists, Runan and Holmes, travel Lieberia to stop the cult before their ambitions are realized. There are some good female characters for some footy fun.


  1. I haven't played this series. Seems like a good name though.

  2. Was looking up this game not too long ago. It was originally titled Emblem Saga and supposed to be like a spiritual successor; JP release only but the PSX game has a fan translation. Nintendo gave them some serious hell over this one.
