Monday, October 4, 2021

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Anita

She's an upper-class passenger on the train where it was headed to Venice but then stopped from the battle against Prosciutto and Pesci. She has an quick temper and is spoiled with an fouled mouth. She complained about the noise from other passengers and called them peasants. She then got caught by Melone's Stand Baby Face or Babyhead in the English translations after he looked her up from her health to her birthdate and snooped through her bag to find an ID, discovering that she's 24 years old and was born on March 10th, 1977. She slaped him and told him that she's going to call security, but Melone didn't listen and licked her finger and determined that she has an O blood type, and is also rather strong for a woman her young age. She came from an family that got high connections with the police and government and wouldn't let what Melone did slide. After Baby Face/Babyhead was born thanks to Melone, the Stand was atrracted to the back of her neck as he learns from her profanity and fouled-mouth after she stated her intent of wanting to murder Melone and insulted the train conductor for the lack of service. Baby Face/Babyhead later urinated all over Anita's back, causing her to believe that the train is filthy and stinky. Just as she ran out of the train to find a witness in order to sue the railway company, Baby Face/Babyhead killed her by breaking her body apart into several cubes. This is from Season 4 (Golden Wind) Episode 17.



  1. Man, don't you just hate when your mommy just up and splits right after you're born?

    1. Yes, I do. At least, my mother isn't like that to me or my siblings.

  2. What is with these single post per day? Usually there were 4 each day?

    1. I don't know, it seems like I'm the most active member right now.

  3. Man, this poor girl. I mean, I know she's unpleasant, but still, she didn't deserve that. 😔

  4. Anita darling! Couldn't resist saying that. Excellent shots as always.

  5. In the manga there was even a panel of her losing a sandal while being absorbed by Baby Face.
