Monday, February 28, 2022

Ani Tore! EX: Asami Hoshi Part 2


Hi everyone, it's Noah again, been a minute since we covered Ani Tore!

Anywho, today we're back to covering the short-form exercise anime once again, as we head to episode 5, where we focus on Asami, Shizuno, and Eri teach us the Vital Exercise dance!

However, I'll be covering the girls individually, then put them all together for a group shot. I've kinda debated on how to cover this episode, NGL. Also, I went out of order, as episode 5 takes places before we meet Yuu.

Without further ado, let's jump right in!

Episode 5:

Oh, BTW, did I mention this anime has CGI? Yeah...not too shabby....

And with that, that's Part 2 with Asami! Not exactly a ton of content with her aside from her socked feet, but you DO get to see her in dog ears and a cute outfit! Better than nothing, like I always say!

Next we'll cover Eri and Shizuno, and then we'll cover this episode in a group shot! See you soon!

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