Monday, February 28, 2022

Anitore! EX: Eri Higuchi Part 2


Hi everyone, it's Noah again, and we're once again back to Ani Tore as we're focusing on the loli tsundere Eri! 

We're covering Episode 5 as we focus on Asami, Eri, and Shizuno as they teach us the Vital Exercise dance! Like with Asami, we'll be focusing on the girls individually before breaking down the group shot! This time it's Eri's turn!

That being said, let's focus on Eri-chan!

Yeah, this is how the CGI models look. 

And that's all she wrote, because that's pretty much it. Like with Asami Part 2, not exactly a lot with Eri, but it's better than nothing. Up next, we'll focus on Shizuno, and then the group shot! Stay tuned!