Monday, February 28, 2022

Edens Zero: Xiaomei (Episode 13)

This is from the beginning of the episode where Xiaomei briefly explains the story so far with Shiki and the others on Edens Zero as they search for Hermit, who was in a catatonic state caused by psychological trauma from her past and now her mind is secluded within a planet called Digitalis, an world acts like an server for the MMORPG called Rouge Fantasia. In order to free Hermit from her unstable state, Shiki and his team entered the planet by uploading their consciousness into digital avatars, warned by Witch that any injuries and death they sustain in the virtual world will affect their physical bodies.


  1. Please, tell me there more barefooters out found.

    1. Ninjabro: There are plenty of barefooters in Edens Zero.

  2. Replies
    1. Are you mad at me for doing this girl?

    2. No, but I do have something to say over email.

    3. You told me and Dean to settle this like gentlemen when it comes to this series. It seems like I'm on my own, right?

    4. I wanted to talk but Dean always seem to argue whoever get an series he's working on.

    5. Dan, do you think I got involved in some trouble with this series?
