Thursday, March 10, 2022

Marvel Comics: Spider-Zero

A female Spider-Man who is also a barefooter sounds good to me. Spider-Zero is a young woman with spider-powers. Following the destruction of her universe during the Incursion, she travelled the Multiverse so much that she no longer considered her original reality, or any reality for that matter, as her home. After the Patternmaker recreated the Web of Life and Destiny, Spider-Zero fulfilled the role of the Master Weaver. After the Patternmaker went missing and the Web of Life and Destiny became corrupted, Spider-Zero recruited Spider-Man to help her find Annie.


  1. That's a unique idea right there.

  2. I lost actually track when it comes to Marvel characters. At this point, we probably have in the future a Komodo Dragon-Spider Man, A Caveman-Spider Man, and a Cirque du Soleil-Spider Man.

    1. Spooder Man is literally now Marvel's(but really Disney's) used and abused cash-cow, they're reaching TMNT franchise levels. Every unthinkable iteration the boomer corporate heads scheme up as the next sales pitch, is just another leg off the poor guy's life.

  3. Considering that the ability to climb walls is in the skin, Spider-Zero being a barefooter makes sense.
