Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Tropical Rouge! PreCure: Laura and Manatsu (Episode 46)

This is the where Laura reunited with Manatsu in the exact same place where they first met in the beginning of the show. Laura has had her whole existence on the surface world erased from existence after returing to the Gran Ocean Kingdom to be the next Queen. She noticed an odd lipstick on her table, and went back to the human world to investigate, encountering a, to her, strange girl, the same one from the first episode. When she shows it to her, both of them abruptly remember each other's identities, and the memory machine to effectively overload and return the memories of, at minimum, the Tropical Club.


  1. How nice. I'm so glad their memories were restored.

  2. Replies
    1. What do you mean? How can I do that?

    2. When the camera pans up or down, take different shots of the body and put them together in the right order.

    3. Why do you want that? Do you love stitched pictures?

    4. Some people do that, even on some scenes they missed in recent posts.

    5. @Sonic: I've tried to do it a lot too recently. Unfortunately it doesn't always work, especially on older series where visible lines are always prevalent, and moving clouds and foreground stuff that moves at a different rate are always problematic.
