Sunday, April 17, 2022

Wrestling: Aikawa Saki (Red) Vs Cocoa Akari (Orange)

 This week we have a short match between Aikawa Saki in a red, white, and blue bikini and Cocoa Akari wearing an orange and white one.  Once again this fight was created by ひのま(Hinuma) on pixiv. Enjoy!


  1. I'm not really into these that much, but I love it when they hug and makeup in the end.

    1. I think she's asking if she's in need of medical steam but the blonde had another kind of steam in mind lel.

      Not so much the ryona but since I'm a foot + yurifag it checks out. Plus I used to batch download image stories from Pixiv all the time, back when I had my old HDD.
