Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Ya Boy Kongming!: Nanami Kuon

  Nanami Kuon is a bassist and is first seen busking on the streets of Shibuya. After encountering Eiko Tsukimi, they both grew close through their mutual love of music. She is a talented singer and bassist. Her skills even won the praise of Eiko.


  1. Oh, is that all there is of her? I wish she had some more standing up.

  2. I think it's safe to say unequivocally that this blog has officially gone down to shit with no hope of coming back.

    1. Do you believe it's gone downhill recently?

    2. @JC: I don't know what more You're Expecting. These guys pour their hearts out into the posts they make.

  3. >this blog has officially gone down to shit
    Sorry to hear that but to be fair, it's much better now than it's been over the past several years. Having had all that constant infighting, petty drama and bad blood that may have fractured the userbase, discouraging a lot of the contributors at the time, as well as halving the regulars from the comments. Personally, I'd say it was probably at its worst around 2010-13, when things started teetering away from anime and more into western cartoons and live action/cosplayer type stuff (the time I stopped coming but that's just me). Yeah, it certainly had its low and high points and it's a shame King doesn't really contribute to it anymore, but objectively, overall the blog's certainly in a better state for now. However, I will honestly state there's still room to do even better.

    1. Well put Benny. We do our best. King has apparently been extremely busy as of late. I'll try to find out if he plans on being more active here in the future.
