Thursday, September 1, 2022

Blade Runner: Black Out 2022: Trixie

She's an Zexus-8 replicant who was built by the Tyrell Cooperation who became friends with Ren Dus, an technician who worked for the company as an commander for launching weapons to the world such as nuclear missiles. She was later being attacked by thugs who are after replicants for their own gain until they were beaten by Iggy Cygnus, who is an replicant soldier from the planet Calantha. Iggy himself teamed up with her to destroy Tyrell Corporation's database servers of replicants so they won't be hunted down and killed anymore but with the cost of not only the her death thanks to security forces but also the massive power outage around Los Angeles unable to recover from the black out for years.


  1. Wow, she's a very good looking Android.

    1. Dan, this is my introduction to Blade Runner in general because of how cool the futuristic setting is.

  2. Oh hot. The animation for this looks really nice. Great find Custom.
