Monday, September 5, 2022

Bleach: Ururu Tsumugiya (Part 1)

She's one of the assainats at Urahara Shop, she's very quiet, shy and polite to any customer who is friendly to her. She sometimes make mistakes by poorly serving a comsumer and apologizes for her mistake. She can fight any enemies with her superhuman strength, got expert combat skills during a Hollow army, automatically react to spiritual pressures like with the Arrancer and withstand heavy hits. This is from Episode 18.


  1. Oh she's great. She should wear something a little more protective on her feet if she's going to try moves like that. I'm surprised she's able to keep them on. I'm positive Ururu is the nicest girl when she's not in a training session.

    1. Seriously, Dan, she's so cute, I wanted to hug her and got this happy smile on my face whenever she appeared or got more screentime in the anime.
