Thursday, October 13, 2022

Bleach: Nozomi Kujo

She's the first Mod Soul created for Project Spearhead developed by Ouko Yushima, who is the one responisble for Kon's creation and all Mod Souls. At first, she was a completly different being but she was split into two, leaving the other half of her becoming Inaba Kageroza, who unleashed the Reigai to attack the Soul Society in order to complete Yushima's goal for revenge over the Gotei 13 after Project Spearhead was shut down due to being very dangerous and disaterous. Nozomi herself escaped the Soul Society and ended up in the World of the Living which she found herself with Kon and later regained her memories as an Soul Reaper once her Zanpakuto, Arazomeshigure was awakened to take down the Hollow who attacked her and Kon. At first, she was cold and annoyed but thanks to Ichigo and Kon, she became more happy and friendly. These are from Episodes 336, 338, and 341.

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