Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Moon Phase: Hazuki / Luna

 Hazuki is a day walker vampire who starts the series imprisoned in a castle in order to prevent other vampires from taking her day walker abilities.  She can be selfish and self-centered such as the time she hypnotized Hiromi into getting her a bed; but, she also cares about the people around her and matures as the story goes on.  She shares a body with an alternate personality named Luna who can come out on a full moon.  Luna was created by Kinkell in order to make Hazuki more manipulable.


  1. The nekomimi modo who put nekomimi modo on the map.
    Those naughty SHAFT shows, always making ya feel like you're trippin balls.

  2. Woo-hoo! What a collection! You didn't hold back on that one, did you Paganax?

  3. Do you know what Moon Phase episode had Hazuki synchronized swimming in a dream sequence?
