Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Custom's Picks: Cutie Honey Flash The Movie

This short movie takes place in Episodes 19 and 20 of the anime where Honey encountered an man who holds a container that is an cocoon which will hatch into a 6,000 year-old excint butterfly species called Chrysalis, they were use by the anicent Melcanto to guide their souls to the afterlife after they die so that they humans can become butterflies from their beliefs. He managed to steal it from the evil Parther Claw and led them to attack Honey's school in order to find it. One of the monsters, Beetle Mama, tried to get the container but Shinji and the school master fend her off so that Honey, the Man, and Natsuko can get downstairs out the front door only to be intercepted by some Panther Claw agents. Then another monster named Lolita Crawler appeared and traps Natsuko in silk webbing, abducting and placing her in a truck, which the Panther Claws use to make their getaway to South America and later Honey, Shinji and the unnamed man went after them to save Natsuko.