Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Drifting Home: Natsume Tonai (Part 1)

She's Kosuke's childhood friend who is always around him since she moved in with his grandfather, Yasuji Kumagaya. At first, she was blamed by Kosuke for Yasuji's death but it was more complex than that as an argument between the two have missed Kosuke's chance to say farewell to his grandfather and it was revealed Natsume's guilt from the trauma she had with her parents being broken up and forced her to distance herself from others. She cannot recall any past event where she was truly happy living with her parents. After living with Kosuke and Yasuji in the Apartment 112, she met Noppo, who is the spirit of the apartment complex and watching her and the rest of the people who live in the apartment grow up.


  1. Spectacular! She's a brave girl. Sorry about her shoe though, but she's lucky that she still has her feet. Noppo wasn't so lucky.

    1. This two-part post felt imperfect because it was hard to see several scenes even adjusting the brightness of the screen.

    2. I'm thrilled. There's just one edit that has to be made on this page. Natsume's last name is Tonai, not Touchi.

    3. If that edit have made, then it's perfect?

    4. Did you enjoyed this character and her feet?
