Saturday, November 26, 2022

Rune Factory Foot Festival (Updated)

To end this month's Foot Festival, let us take a look at our farming and social skills in Rune Factory, this is also a post-Thansgiving Foot Festival for those who stuff their faces with foods two days ago or do Chirstmas shopping on Black Friday yeasterday. Once the hero reagains one's lost their memory, and after saving the land from peril at the hands of an evil villain, would you use your skills to make foot-shaped fruits and vegetables grow or ask girls if you can rub their feet?


  1. >would you use your skills to make foot-shaped fruits and vegetables grow
    lol wut
    Also, I was kinda into Harvest Moon a while back so which Rune Factory game would you recommend as a good start, to really get a feel for the series, oh and which got the best bitches to hitch?

    1. 4 has xioa pi I married her twice

    2. Did the same with Elli in HM: BtN

      >femal protag
      Been meaning to get into this series for a while, have to check it out at some point, thanks.

    3. And 3 has collete she was so cute 😍
