Saturday, December 17, 2022

RWBY: Ice Queendom Foot Festival

This will be the last regular Foot Festival of the year because the next two after this will focus on Christmas and New Years' Eve respectively. Otherwise, let's end the normal Foot Festivals of 2022 with RWBY Ice Queendom. In this one, we will be taking a different route from the main RWBY with tradional animation and an original story using the first three episodes (the entirely of the first Volume) as an prologue before getting to this show's own path started with the fourth episode. So I think all four main girls got some lovely feet for us to cool off. Who do you think got the best feet in terms of female characters?


  1. I loved ruby since day one wish Nora had more scenes

    1. Same, I also wish we got more of Pyrrha, as well.

    2. I stopped watching the OG RWBY after Volume 5 and don't know if I want to get back to it.

    3. Surprised anyone would make it that far. Its only value at this point is just reference materiel for how not to write a show, due to all the plot-induced stupidity and fan pandering.

    4. @Benny: So the show gotten out of hand and much worse at time went on?

    5. Honestly, I don't think Rooster Teeth even remembers what the show was about anymore. It's pretty much reduced to the staff's rim-sharking party for social media clout.
