Friday, February 24, 2023

The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World: Ariane Algren (Episode 8)

The daughter of the Algren family, one of the three great aristocrats, and an influential person who reigns at the top of the Diom Academy of Magic. She has a strong desire for a world of love and peace, and has a track record of transforming the academy, which was once dominated by the martial arts, into a calm and elegant school atmosphere. Ariane and Amelia have been friends since childhood, but they seem to have some kind of connection.


  1. That punching bag literally got the stuffing beat out of it. Not sure whether to be astonished or just plain terrified.

  2. Blessed that artist/animator who had the opportunity to draw this scene where she showed her strong sole of her foot to us with a spin kick! that foot did remind me of Charly Jordan's and Liv Morgan's soles though....for a blondey looking anime.

    1. Dunno about Charly literally who but you talking Liv "ran riott when she began" Morgan the rassler?

    2. Ya never been to wikifeet? This is the girl i'm talking about =P

      & Liv Morgan rules!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Gumball is lack the images of amelia rose from this episode 8 in addition to those of elfie and again of Amelia from all other episodes

  4. Why that's quite the auspicious elegance break she's undergoing.

  5. Thank you, Japan, for still making attractive females.
