Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Code E and Mission E: Maori Kimizuka

 Maori started out in 'Code E' a recuring young girl who would be walking her golden retriever puppy.  In 'Mission E' she became the main character.  In 'Mission E' Maori can come off as cold and has few friends thanks to her 'Type E' powers. As young kid she could not always control her electromagnetic powers and would accidently erase electronic information. Her dogs name is Dorota.

Bonus: Unfortunately, my copy of Mission-E had a crawl that occasionally appeared.  This one happened to occur during one of Maori's best scene.  An attempt was made to edit it; but, it is not perfect, so here are the raw screen caps along with the finished product if you wish to try yourself.  Enjoy.

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