Friday, March 7, 2008

Breaking Radio Silence (Chun Li Bonus 4)

Well...It's been a week since I last posted. Did you guys miss me? Since I've been gone for a while, I knew I needed something big to grab your attention. What did I come up with? Chun Li!!!! Yes after a break from appearing in my blog bonuses, the sexy interpol agent returns to give Vega a facial massage. Check it out!!!!

(As with all my previous Chun Li posts...these pics were capped from my favorite foot related anime scene of all time: The Street Fighter II Animated Movie Chun Li vs Vega fight scene)
Did you guys hear they're planning to release a Chun Li movie starring Kristen Kreuk? I'm not kidding. I was tempted to pop a few pics of her with this but I see her more as Lana Lang. Anyway, my next Chun Li bonus will cover the final set of movie caps and I saved the best for me, It's going to be good.
Ok moving on. Since I'm not used to weekly blog entries I have a lot to talk about. First of all there's some residual stuff that carried over from my last blog. Though I made a huge push towards the end, my backlog involving Jenny and Ino still need to be completed. I also have a half chapter of my Wonder Woman story to try and complete and a Supergirl continuation chapter I've been putting off. So there's still a little bit of my old workload remaining
Ok...It's time for me to go heavy on the links.
My main goal this week has been getting my Comic book interactive underway.
To speed it along...I've tried to release new chapters every day focusing on either Huntress or Supergirl. I was also fortunate to get some assistance from a couple of authors TorBorg, The Man and JayJay who added some great additions of their own. If you're reading this thanks again guys. Hopefully the interactive will continue to grow in the future.
In addition to the comic book interactive...I been assisting SFD with his tickling interactive Volleying on the April O'Neil, Tifa, Kaorinite, Nami, and Sonya Blade threads
Of those four, Sonya and Nami were my favorites but all of them are good so check them out.
Ok besides my own work...I'll do have a couple of other interactives to spotlight for their updates in the past week.
SFD has also opened three new interactives...all sharing the same theme Girls Going Barefoot.
and here
Keep an eye on them to see how they develop in the future.
Melroser's Naruto and Feet addition received a new Ino and Sakura addition (Whoo Hoo Ino)
And Dylan M. has updated his Naruto/Avatar interactive with a great Demon Fox Chapter!!
Ok that's all for this week. As always more to come soon


  1. Chun-Li has some really sexy feet. Now I really can't wait 'til you're next update. Anyway,I Appreciate you helping me with my interactives.

    BTW,got a any ideas for my Barefoot Videogame girls stories?

  2. You sure grabbed MY attention. Actually, you grabbed it again. Now I will NEVER forget this awesome scene, especially not when she's kicking butt in bare feet, while rubbing it in Vega's face, if you'll pardon the pun. Anyway, you continue to rock, KSC.

    Daniel Wickie

  3. I loved that pun...Thanks for the comments guys.
