Friday, March 28, 2008

Huntress (Bonus)

Well it once again time for my update of the week and if you've been reading the chapters I've been writing probably saw this bonus coming. Yup...I've got Huntress on my mind. Enjoy!!!

(All these pics are webfinds by comic artist professionals. Fred Benes 1 & 3, Ed Benes (I have my suspicions it's the same guy but whatever the captions says) 5, Di Amorim 2, Diego Benard 4 and an unknown artist (can't make out his/her signature) 6)
I'm definitely not holding out on you guys with this post. I posted everything I had that remotely came close to a barefoot shot I could find of her here. (A barefoot huntress is that rare). If I decide to use her in another bonus she'll probably be fully in costume but she's hot enough to pull that off.
This week turned out to be busier than I thought but I did get some chapters out. All of them could be found here and star the character above along with a guest star:
Next week...I'm probably going to continue with updating that interactive almost daily so check back there often for more.


  1. Nice looking pics, yet again. But now you have the lovely Ms. Bertenernie, who is also one of my favourites. And now, I think of you and your stories whenever I see her or read her comics again. Thanks a bunch, KSC.

    Daniel Wickie

  2. :-D I'm glad there's another Helena fan out there. Thanks again for reading DW.

  3. You're welcome. Wait a minute. I spelled Helena's name wrong!! Oh, now I've become Jacob. Oh well.

  4. I'm still cracking up over Jake repeatedly mispronouncing Azula's name and her reactions to it.

  5. Yeah, but he eventually got it right. This will become a running gag in future stories involving other characters. It's a very lovable quirk about him, and I always wondered what you thought about those parts. Glad you liked them, KSC.

  6. That's a cool idea. I'll keep that quirk in mind for if I start a storyline in your interactive.

    Yup I liked those segments a lot...keep up the great writing DW.

  7. Id love that, KingSideCastle. Remember, if you have anything for any of the ladies in my story, you know where to go. Thank you. Keep on writing.

    Daniel Wickie
