Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jean Grey (Bonus)

This bonus was a long time coming. Jean Grey is one of my favorite X-girls. Enjoy!!!

(These bonus pics are a combination of webfinds and video captures. Unfotunately I can only recognize three of the professional artists...Dmitri Patelis (Pic 1) and Greg and Tim Hilderbrandt (pic 9). I capped pictures 6, 7, and 8 from the X-men evolution episodes Strategy X and Grim Reminder and the rest from unknown artists)

Jean has a variety of costumes and looks absolutely gorgeous in all of them. Probably my favorite is the yellow and blue costume that Jean wears in the original X-men cartoon series. (Nostalgia is probably coming into play because that was the first outfit I saw her in). Also on the top of my list (though for very different reasons) is Jean's rather revealing dominitrix uh I mean Black Queen costume. ^_^

Though there were a couple of good barefoot pictures out there for her, comic book pictures of Jean without her footwear on are pretty rare. This is somewhat made up for by the fact that Jean wear sandals a lot in X-men Evolution providing it's viewers with serveral opportunities to catch glimpses of her feet. (Slightly under that of Shadowcat's) I only wish the same could be said for the original cartoon series where Jean looked 1000 times hotter.

Ok that brings my tribute count for the poll members up to 6. Only 4 more left to go. Until next time.



  1. After reading my entry, I realized that I better clarify the reason I like Jean's black queen costume before people get the wrong idea. It's not because of the whips, the skin-tight leather, the sexy knee-high boots or the fact that the costume leaves relatively little of Jean's midsection to the imagination.

    *shakes head* Get your mind out of the gutter people. :P

    Actually the reason why Jean's Black Queen costume appeals to me so much is that I'm an avid chest lover. Uh wait I meant Chess lover.

    *blushes* I'm gonna go hide under a rock now.

  2. You're not alone, man. Although her belly button looks very tantalizing.... Anyway, the fact that Jean wears sandals in X-Men Evolution more than makes up for the fact she hardly goes barefoot in the original series. Especially if she's wearing jeans along with them. ^_^ Great pictures, man.

    Daniel Wickie

  3. Thanks very much. Jean Grey is my favorite X-girl so I tried to do her justice with this bonus. You're right she does have a cute belly button. ^_^

    As for her sandal scenes...between her, Kitty Pryde and that Rogue scene we talked about earlier ... the producers of X-men evolution did a great job of showing off these X-girls' feet.

  4. Indeed they did. And as for that belly button thing I mentioned, it meant that I also like to tickle them as well, but that's another story. Anyway, you did her justice quite well with these pics. Good work.

  5. That's brings up an interesting question. I wonder how ticklish she is? Anyway thanks for reading man.

  6. Who knows? Maybe I'll answer that question in the future.....

  7. That would be very cool. All this talk about her is tempting me to write a new chapter for her as well.

  8. Really? If you've got one, go for it. Keep on writing.


  9. Well I definitely received some inspiration and ideas from your comments. I'll give it a try. Thanks DW.

  10. The first time I saw Jean Grey barefoot was on the X-Men Evolution episode "Mindbender." The first thing they showed was her barefeet walking on the rain puddle, and immediately, I fell for her and her delicious feet.

  11. O_O I'll try to find that episode...thanks for the tip David. ^_^
