Thursday, June 5, 2008

Marvel Girls Week: Arachne/Spider-Woman

First off...let me apologize in advance for no barefoot pictures in this bonus. Believe me if I could find them...I would gladly post them. Unfortunately, Julia Carpenter pictures are very rare. However, I do owe her a I just picked my favorite shots of the ones available for her online.

(Surprisingly there are few gems among the skimpy selection of webfinds for her. Boris Vallejo (last shot) is one of my favorite oil painters. I'm also very impressed with T+G Hiderandt (2nd shot). I also wish I knew who did the 1st and 3rd picture of her because they are quite nice as well.)

Of the women that just barely didn't make my poll, I think that Julia Carpenter was definitely the prettiest. Unfortunately, her lack of popularity definitely hurt her and caused her to fall just out of reach of my top ten. The fact that I can't find any barefoot pics of her or even pics without her mask on online says alot. Her only feature in the mainstream media was in the 1990's Iron man cartoon which has yet to be made available on DVD or youtube. This is shame because she is pretty cute.

Anyway, hopefully this tribute to her is enough to make Julia smile and should I ever decide to become a criminal...she won't beat me up as much before taking me to jail.

Ok that's it for today. As usual more to come soon.


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