Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kaleido Star Bonus 2: Marrion

Hot on the heels (if you'll pardon the pun) of the last bonus, comes the next one. Enjoy folks!

(As with Sarah...we have the Master of Sole Shots to thank for this picture. Well done Match. ^_^)
I still not done...the next girl will be up in just a little bit..


  1. Another cute girl from the same cute show? It must be my birthday. Thanks KSC and match25.

    Daniel Wickie

  2. It gets a lot better than that...give me another ten minutes. ;-)

  3. Oops...looks like it took a little longer than 10...sorry.

  4. It doesn't matter, man. Just like you keep telling me; take your time, don't push yourself. Besides, I saw the pics just now and they were worth the wait.

  5. Hot on the heels.... is that why Marrion is in the air? Just kidding. :-D

  6. Worry not, pretty damsel. I, the Soft Feather of the Siksika, will save you. And then maybe I could show you why I'm called that?

  7. it took some work to get her's, had to pause the scene just right so it wouldnt blur as she jumped on that trampling. Also im with Kyle, you do great work but dont push urself

  8. Also nice job on the capping Match. I know how difficult timing some shots could be sometimes so it's very impressive that you were able to get both of this cutie's soles.

  9. thanks and yeah, got to love those double sole shots. too bad she only shows her soles once

  10. What he said, Patch. Keep up the good work.

    Jacob F.

  11. You know what he meant, right? I'm just as impressed with the capping as KingSideCastle is.
