Monday, September 1, 2008

Poll of the Month 4 Results:

The 4th Poll of the Month has come to a close. After a whopping 326 votes the results are in...

It looks like the sexy Ada Wong completed her mission and claimed the most votes in the poll proving that many people would enjoy being her footstool with 89 votes. I'll post a winner's tribute for her tonight. Keeping up with her for most of the poll was Morrigan Aensland who managed to grab second place with 62 votes followed by Ivy who definitive made third with 55 votes. They were followed by Nina Williams and Sniper Wolf who grabbed 4th and 5th place with 29 and 28 votes respectively. The rest of the girls all proved they had human footstools of their own with Elena grabbing 16 votes, Carmen Sandiego stealing 15 votes, Maddie taking 14 votes, Kaileena receiving 12 votes and T-elos holding onto 6 votes of her own.

Once again a Huge Thank You to everyone that voted. It was alot of fun seeing your opinions about these women and I'll keep them in mind in my future stories and tributes.

Ok...tonight I'll post a winner's tribute for Ms. Wong as well as a new poll of the month. Both of those should be up around Midnight.

Thanks again for voting Everyone!



  1. What's that? want to know which of those girls I would have wanted to be used as footstool by the most?...

    My favorite was Nina Williams. Hot Blonde Assassins Rock!

    Anyway great voting guys ;-)

  2. You know, I thought that was the woman you'd love to be a footstool to. ^_^ This was another fun poll you made here, KSC. Thank you for putting it up. Remind me to add Ada Wong in the future.

    Daniel Wickie

    PS: Don't worry. I'll have that Morrigan prologue up soon. I guess it's sort of a prize for being the runner-up.

  3. Thanks DW,
    I'm looking forward to your Morrigan prologue.

  4. You won't be disappointed, KSC. But before I actually write it, I must first pay my respects to a life that was lost not that long ago.

  5. Oh man...I'm very sorry to hear that. It wasn't that long ago that I lost someone close to me myself. Please take as much time as you need and don't push yourself.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  6. You lost someone you knew too? If you don't mind me asking, who was it?

  7. One of my younger brothers. He died last year.

  8. Oh, I'm sorry. That sounds even worse than my loss, or rather, the world's loss. I guess I should really spend more time with my little sisters, lest something happens to any of them. T_T Again, I'm sorry about what happened to your brother and if it's any consolation, both of my sisters are happy and healthy. And if I made you even more upset about that, then the Morrigan prologue will definitely cheer you up. There will even be a song in there written by yours truly. Keep on writing, man.

    Daniel Wickie

  9. Thanks Daniel and I'm glad both of your sisters are doing well. Whoever it was that you lost, you have my sympathies.

    Anyway,I'm looking forward to your Morrigan prologue.

  10. Thank you very much for your kind words, KingSideCastle. My sisters give their thanks as well. You really are a very nice person. And if you want to know who the dead person I'm talking about is, you'll find out once you read the prologue. He was a well known figure in the world. That's all I'll say about him. Thank you again, with all my heart.

    Daniel Wickie
