Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Vexielle (Mini-Bonus): Maria

Ok...Here's just a small appetizer for my next post. When Match25 told me about a couple of great sole scenes involving the title character in this movie, I immediately checked it out. Watching the movie...I noticed that this character was barefoot in a scene as well so I figured...why not and took a couple of caps of her.

(These were capped from the CG Movie Vexielle. Yeah, yeah...I'm sorry there are no close-ups too.)

You know I find a girl hot when I use any small glimpse of her feet as an excuse to post her. Don't worry guys my next post will have a lot more foot action.



  1. I'm putting up the good caps starring the heroine now.

  2. Well, this should be interesting. Nice little appetizer you have there, KSC. I look forward to the next ones.

    Daniel Wickie

  3. oh how can i be so blind, that inst Vexielle. that just tells u where my eyes were focused on the entire movie lol

  4. the sole shots i were thinking about comes from Vexielle; that woman was hiding Vexielle from the bad guys

  5. Oh, I get it... sort of.

  6. I think the caps I just posted should clear things up DW.

    I can't say I blame you Match...Vexielle's soles would have been what I was thinking of the entire movie too.
