Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Buffy: Dawn (GTS Bonus) last Buffy bonus for you guys. A special tribute to Buffy's little (or maybe I should I call her big now) sister Dawn.

(A Massive thank you to the author Mr. E for finding these awesome webfinds. Seeing Dawn as a GTS totally rocks.)

Xander seems to really have lucked out in that last shot. :-D

Ok...That's it for the Buffy girls. (At least for now anyway*)

As usual more to come soon!!!

*I'd love to post pictures of Eliza Dushku and Sarah Michelle Geller one day.


  1. :---------D

    If you don't know what that meant, it means I was so speechless that my jaw dropped right to the floor and is still there.

  2. That was my reaction exactly the first time I saw the shot.

  3. And it does look like Xander lucked out with being present while a very attractive woman was bathing. :)

    My memory may be a little short, but is Dawn here a nice girl?

  4. Yeah...for the most part...she seems to behave herself.

  5. Oh? What does she do?

  6. Occasionally Dawn can be a rebellious teen and cause a bit of trouble for her sister.

  7. Does it involve... violence? *raises eyebrow questioningly*

  8. Rarely, although in the last episode she tasered Xander to go back and help her sister defend Sunnydale.

    Her rebellious streak mostly involved cleptomania and bad choices in dating (i.e. vampires). It was nothing like when Willow went rogue.

  9. Somehow, I can just see Xander reaching his am from the brush he's behing and tickle her strecthed out arch. :D

  10. Sorry. I meant arm. ^^;

  11. That might be playing with fire considering how huge her foot is at the moment.

  12. Well, the bigger the foot, the more exciting a foot fetish experience can be, right KSC? :D

  13. i know i would reach out and tickle her...the bigger the better

  14. I think that catching Dawn by surprise like that is almost guaranteed to have a reflexive kick in response that would send Xander flying 20 feet.

    That said...yeah, I wouldn't be able to resist tickling her giant foot either. :-D
